Lost cat in Huntington park

What is a PetRadar search?

PetRadar informs thousands of neighbors about your lost cat in Huntington park through sponsored posts displayed as ads on Facebook and Instagram. A sort of digital flyer seen by thousands of people in the area of your missing cat.

Active searches in Huntington park

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Cats still missing: 14

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Kailes  poster

Kailes - 3829 Hill St

SEARCH STARTED ON - 03-03-2025, 00:06

Hello, our kitten got out of the house a couple of hours ago and we can't find him. If anyone knows, please return our cat because my 8-year-old son won't stop crying for the cat. It was a birthday present we gave him and he is very attached to the kitten. I will give a reward of 200 to whoever finds him and returns him to me. My name is Andrea Villegas. My phone number is 6265409975 or call my husband's phone number, Moises Hernandez. +1 (626) 404-8089. Thank you very much. God bless you 🙏😔

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Firu poster

Firu - 3535 Flower St

SEARCH STARTED ON - 26-01-2025, 05:29

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Thor poster

Thor - 7420 California Ave

SEARCH STARTED ON - 15-12-2024, 13:53

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